Thursday, October 21, 2010

Hey Dentist Dentist~

Hey Dentist Dentist,
it's been years since I last saw you.
Hey Dentist Dentist,
I have a hole in my tooth.
Hey Dentist Dentist,
Will you check my other teeth too?

Hey Dentist Dentist,
Whats that? My other teeth are decay too?
Hey Dentist Dentist,
Will you fix my tooth? And make em brand new?
Hey Dentist Dentist,
Will you take it easy? Cause I might just *Pouuuhhh!!!!

Hey Dentist Dentist,
Now fix my last tooth too~
Hey Dentist Dentist,
Your shots aren't working.
Apply some more and stop me worrying.
Hey Dentist Dentist,
How long will this take?
cause I'm getting sleepy with all this waiting.

Hey Dentist Dentist,
Thank you for the time,
but what do you mean....
That I have to come back some other time?

A visit to the Dentist... =.=|||

1 comment:

  1. The dentist pulled my tooth out
    and he thought it was such fun
    he grabbed his pliers
    and dental pryers
    and pulled another one.

    "Yippee! Hooray! What awesome fun!"
    he shouted out with glee.
    He grinned a grin
    then went back in
    and pulled out number three.

    Then number four and number five
    and numbers six and seven
    were followed by
    a cheerful cry
    Of "Eight! Nine! Ten! Eleven!"

    He took a few more from the top
    and some from underneath,
    he yanked them fast
    until at last
    he'd pulled out all my teeth.

    Without my teeth I cannot chew;
    I just eat soup and mush.
    But don't be sad
    I'm kind of glad--
    I'll never have to brush!
