Saturday, January 9, 2010

All in 1 minute

I look at the clock,
it says 1:41,
I know thinking of you,
it'll never be done,

you run through my mind,
and occupy all my time,
wondering why you're gone,
and why you're not mine,

i think of you constantly,
for some reason i cant stop,
knowing that for always,
you'll forever have my heart,

my days go by so slow,
cause you run through my head,
i said I'd love you forever,
isn't that enough said,

you also haunt my dreams,
if you know what i mean,
i wake up often,
with sweats and screams,

why do i sleep by myself,
I'm alone in my bed,
i know I'll be thinking of you,
till the day i am dead,

now still all these thoughts,
just run through my brain,
cant stop thinking of you,
i think i'm going insane,

i feel i wanna kill myself,
people say thats not what to do,
but i turn and look at the clock,
and it says it's only 1:42....

First post of 2010.....

Hey all, this is my first post of 2010.
so everyone, HAPPY NEW YEAR.

2009 was...... so-so. kinda...... well..... you know....
New year..... whats my New Year Resolution???
Hmmm.....I don't know..... useless me.... can't even think of anything....

Just go with the flow..... like I always do?
Form 3 liao leh...... Get your head in lah!!!!

kinda moody right now, Haha?